Friday, January 9, 2015

Word Project

The objective of this project is to convey a word's meaning though the style of the letters in it. This project focuses on the use of: size, shape, color, orientation, and style.


I used loud colors to give this image the feel of exitement against a dark background. I scattered the letters to make them look like they are actively moving. The different styles in which I chose to outline the letters are meant to make it appear chaotic; furthering the feel of activeness. The letters are all different sizes in order to give the picture varitey making the eye actively move around the page.

In this image I used size and color to portray the word loud. There are many layers of this word on top of one another each in a different style. This makes the letters look chaotic and loud. The word is large and slightly cut off representing the overwhelmingness of loud noises. The colors are bright to represent loud as in the aspect of loud personalities. It makes the picture look exiting. The background has a gradient that is just a white ring. It reminds me of the vibration of a speaker which is meant to represent loud noise as well.


The word quiet is white with gray on a black background. This monotone color scheme gives a dull feel to the picture. The words are distorted to be legible but hardly, and get smaller and smaller towards the middle. This is to represent not being able to hear quiet things clearly, or that they trail off. The quiet in the center of the image is hollow with just a white outline. It looks hollow and weak, and faded.


I used ariel black as the font for this word because they are thick bold letters that look sturdy. This represents stability. The font is bright agains a neutral looking background that i used the flare tool under to make is appear if the sun was above the word. This represents the security in stability, that everything is okay. The word is in an arch which is a very stable architextural structure. It is also placed at the bottom of the image to represent support, a base that holds everything else up. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Juxtapose Project!

This is the juxtapose project I made. It has a clear message and a lot of symbolism. The heart is actually serrated into three pieces and when the paper is folded it looks like one immage. The ribs were placed where there are folds so that they would stick out. The words say, "sticks and stones... will break bones...hurtful words... will break souls."( sorry about the backwardness)
These are the various layers in my project. I used layer masks to hide and reveal certain parts in my artwork. I used adjustment layers to make certain components in the work stand out.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Juxtapose Project (folding pattern)

This is the folding pattern for my juxtapose project.
This is how my test fold came out
This is a map of what I plan on doing with this folding design. The theme of my project is internal conflict.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5 Component Photoshop Picture

This is an image that I composed of five other images.(the desolate looking landscape, the werewolf, the moon "it's really just a picture of an eye with the earth in the middle", the clouds, and the raven.) The tree is a part of the landscape layer, but I selected its branches and used the mask over the clouds to reveal certain branches; blending the tree into the picture nicely. The werewolf has a contrast/brightness adjustment layer over it that I used to create shading. The "moon" has an invert adjustment mask over it. I used the mask over the clouds to hide and reveal parts of the "moon" as well. The raven has a black and red gradient in it to create the illusion of moonlight.
The picture below shows my layer pallet. The layer pallet shows the layers themselves, as well as what i used to put effects on different layers.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fire Department Patch Design

This is a patch I have designed for the Bungay Fire Brigage. It was requested that our class include the name of the department (Bungay Fire Brigade), the number of the station (77), the town where it is located (Woodstock Connecticut), and the Brigade's slogan (neighbors helping neighbors.)
I used a shovel shaped border for the patch. The patch mainly consists of a red, blue, and yellow color theme, or in other words: the patch uses primary colors. I used these colors because it draws the eyes to the main component of the patch which is the maltese cross with an eagle head in the center ring. Behind the eagle head is an american flag design. These images are symbolic of bravery and service to our country. The maltese cross is surrounded by a two point white line to bring it out from the dark red background.

Friday, October 17, 2014

So I recreated the D.C. logo through Art Illustrator. I was pretty proud of myself because it came out pretty much identical! Can you tell the difference?

 The logo on the bottom left is the one I made. The logo at the top right is the original.

I also recreated the MSN logo using pathfinder and the anchor point tool in Adobe Art Illustrator. The logo on the bottom right is the one I made.
I created this image of the WWF panda using mostly the pen tool. I am pretty happy with the results. It isn't perfect but it's pretty close. The panda that I've recreated is the bigger logo at the top right. The original logo is at the bottom left.